Your Attention Please

Your Attention Please

Author: Rich Williams
February 02, 2016

I have been reading in the short book of Galatians for about three months.  I'm amazed at how must I connect with as I read and think about what God is saying to me through these words.

 Today I read these words, (Gal 4:16-18 The Voice) "And now, do I stand as your enemy because I tried to bless you with the truth? 17 I’ll tell you what these false brothers and sisters are counting on: your attention. They are ravenous for it. They are not acting honorably or in your best interests. They want to keep you away from the good news we proclaim so they can have you all to themselves. 18 Listen, there’s nothing wrong with zeal when you’re zealous for God’s good purpose. And what’s more, you don’t have to wait for me to be with you to seek the good.

What really spoke to me was the word ATTENTION.  These false brothers and sisters want your attention.  I thought about how we as the church struggle to penetrate the lives and minds of people with the good news of the gospel.  How hard it is competing for the ATTENTION of todays youth and young adults.  

Rather than complaining about what or who we are competing with, because that is fruitless, it makes better sense to think about what questions I should be asking.  Just so I cover what many might think is the first question we should ask, BUT I think isn't a question we should ask...How do we get their attention?

Better questions are, How do we engage them where they are?  What are the needs they have that aren't being met?  How are we to build relationships with them?  There are several questions, but the first thing we should ask is for God's guidance and His desires to be know.  If we are will to be obedient to follow I believe the rest will have to come so that it will be fulfilled.

That may sound backwards, but God's Kingdom operates differently from what we are used to.





