We believe all families are important and that they should be connected to a body of faith. Here at FBC, we offer many opportunities for families to connect with one another. It might be at a Loons game, a bike ride from the Tridge to the Chippewa Nature Center, or a summer gathering at Plymouth Park called CONNECTIONS. It could be a game or movie night at the church or some other fellowship opportunity like dinner at someone's home or lunch at the mall.
Check the Calendar category Family.
Volunteers fill this position | Childcare Provider
Crib Room
Located in the North Wing - Room 18.
For infants - 2 years old.
Located in the North Wing - Room 17.
For children ages 3-4 years old.

Sunday School classes are offered between 11:30a.m.-12:30p.m.
Childcare is available Sunday mornings during the Worship and the Sunday School hours: 9:45a.m.-12:30p.m.
We have a lot of opportunities for students to engage, serve and lead:
- Sunday Worship
- Praise Team
- Take-Note Children & Youth Choirs & Bells
- Local, National & International Missions
- Service or Mission Projects
Students also meet throughout the month:
- bi-monthly youth group gatherings and activities
- Mondays for Take Note Music Program (special time for teaching & fellowship)
We also have events throughout the year:
- Family Camp (September) - Camp Lake Louise
- Winter Great Escape Weekend
- Lock-Ins, Kokomo's, Movie Nights
We have no special times set aside primarily for women to meet at this time.
If you are interested in joining or leading Ladies group activities, please contact us.
Our men meet Tuesdays @ 7:30 AM at M's Cafe for fellowship and discussion.